
Thank You & Welcome!


 As you must have noticed… I’ve been quite busy on Social Mediadoing my very best in placing Ads seeking those who are searching for ‘time freedom’, ‘m0’ney freedom’, to maybe escape the 9 to 5 jungle and to ‘work from home’.

I know you noticed, because you answered one of my ads.  Thank you for that.

There are a few different ways that someone can choose to find people on the internet who share a targeted interest, and I use them all.  But in this case I chose to pay a company called “OrganicProspects.com” to run ads across several Social Media sites, in search of those who are interested in Internet Marketing and Making Money Online.  [to a lesser extent, I also pay another company, myleadgensecret.com, to perform much the same type of service for me]   That’s why I’m contacting you now.

I realize it takes a bit of courage to fill out one of those forms and maybe not exactly know what’s going to happen next.  Believe me, I know… because I’ve been there when I first began my own search for how to make money online, and I’ve filled out those forms too.

After all… we all have to start somewhere, if we want to reach our goals, Right?

Taking action and stepping out of the comfort zone is how we all achieve something we don’t already have.  That’s why it’s called the “comfort zone”… it’s the place we’re already at!  Right?

Now, something BIG has receintly happened that I really think you can benefit from.  PLUS… I want to give you a welcome gift as a new member of my V.I.P. Group…

… And I’ll get to it in just a moment…

But first and foremost I want to Welcome You as my newest valued V.I.P. Group Member!

My name is Mike Mospan and my goal is to help you achieve the online success you desire… however you defign it.  I believe that in raising you up… I also raise myself.  My favorite saying is:

A Rising Tide… Raises ALL Ships!

Here’s a little about me

My Wife, Ginny, and I own a successful off-line business for over 18yrs now and it keeps us quite busy, but when Covid interupted our lives… I saw the necessity to go digital!  Maybe you can relate?

First, I took our off-line business… online(kicking and screaming, I might add…)  as I had been avoiding that for many years.  But due to the nature of our off-line endevors, Covid had shut us down completely and I simply had no choice but to move everything online, just to keep some c’ash flowing.

But, I soon learned that ‘earrings’ are not a very big priority…

…When your basically confined to your house!

And that’s what got me filling out those online forms and searching for a way to succeed online, probably like you’re doing now.

So why should you trust me to have a hand in your online success?

I don’t own a Lamborgini, and no… I’m not the high powered Guru that’s going to char’ge you 20 k just to speak with me for an hour (yet… Lol).

But… I have traveled through the internet jungle and escaped the ‘Wasteland'(where you “waste” all your hard earned money on useless programs that just don’t work).

I also aquired many ‘digital scars’ along the way, that I hope to help you avoid!

I’ve invested well over 20 k in training and lead generation techniques… to learn what to do and… more importantly, what not to do!  And learned who the ‘Good Guys’ are out there in the Digital World and have figured out how to spot ‘shisters‘ who are only in it for themselves and just out to grab your bux.

Almost all the products or services I may gently recommend to you are things which I myself already own and use in my online business.

My knowledge, experience, insight, guidance, and gentle recommendations are what I have to offer, should you choose to remain on my V.I.P. list.  And… I certainly hope you will!

However… life is way to short to be hanging with someone who doesn’t want you around.

So if youdon’t remember” filling out my social media form, are “just not interested at all” in having your own successful online venture,  got on my list by accident, or just don’t like the way I write… then please do us Both a favor right now and simply unsubscribe: [The Link Is At The Bottom Of The email you just came from…] From This List.  (those who rarely open my emails or click on any of my included links and are generally ‘non-responsive’ to my messages, only serve to lower my Inbox Delivery Score.  This ultimately hurts my valued V.I.P. Group Members who enjoy and benefit from my content and may not see it if my email delivery score is damadged by others who don’t open my emails or cIick on my links… so yes, you’d be doing us both a favor.)

(Did you notice how I’ve just worked in your very first bit of training from me?)  It’s a very important tip on how to get your emails to “Inbox” and avoid those other nasty folders!

Well, I’ve blabbed on probably more than enough for one day, and please know that I do appreciate you opening my email and reading this far!  It means you’re probably going to stick with me for a bit, and see how things go.

Hey… that’s all I can ask!… 

SO… What Was That Big Deal & How Can You Benefit?

My good friend John Thornhill has just finished writing the first book he has written in over 10 years and you can be one of the first to get your hands on a copy.

If you don’t know, John created his first ‘digital asset’ in 2004 and since then has generated millions of dollars online selling digital information, and he shares all of his experience in his book.

In his book, he also reveals how you are just one digital product away from generating at least 6 figures per year online.

Among many other things, you will also discover.

#How to tap into a booming $370 BILLION industry (that most marketers are ignoring) to launch a 6 figure business from the comfort of your own home…

#Why THIS business is the fastest, easiest, surest way to make money on the internet in 2022… 

#How total beginners (who’ve never made a penny online before) are now making up to $308,000 a month with the exact strategies John shares in his book… 

#The exact step-by-step strategy a retired Air Force veteran used to generate $23K in his first 60 days with THIS business… and $50K in his first 6 months…

#How to automate every last aspect of your business so you have a truly hands-free operation…


Plus much, much more!

John is also throwing in a ton of bonuses (for a limited time) to complement his book and you will literally have everything you need to start generating 6 figures per year from your own digital products.

And get this, as of this writing… the book is free!  You just cover s&h, which is about 6 bux.

Take my advice and check this out as this will probably be the best deal of 2022.

Please note that if the 6 bux is stopping you from even having a simple look at all that John’s offering you, then maybe having your own online business just isn’t in the cards for you right now. 

You see… any business, ON or Off-line,  requires a bit of an investment of time and money.  The really nice thing about online business is that it’s a whole lot less expensive to get started!  Sorry, but the harsh reality is that sooner or later you WILL have to do something and yes… you’ll need to spend a few bux on your business and maybe some training too! (and there’s your second bit of training for today 😉

Check John’s book out here.

Your V.I.P. Group Member Welcome Gift

This is what you’ll get…

 *  Traffic to your websites. Human, not bot.

 *  List manager. 10 lists, unlimited subscribers.

 *  Page builder. 10 pages, hosting included.

 *  Popup creator. 10 popups, hosting included

 *  Link tracker. Unlimited, with rotator.

 *  Make money. 4 ways, some super easy.

 *  An Autoresponder

And more…

Register here for your FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP!

(yes… I use many of these same features and am a member, too.)

To Your Online Success,

    ~ Mike Mospan ~

  E-business Amplified

P.S. If you’re looking for a good source for cold leads… OR, are interested in a ‘side gig’ that can produce on-going residual income simply by referring others who need leads for their online businesses, be sure to take a look at OrganicProspects.com and myleadgensecret.comTheir referral programs can fill your wallet with happiness while you’re helping others get what they want!